IDLE Plugins
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IDLE, is the default editor that comes with python.

You can enhance the functionality of IDLE with plug-ins.  I am housing three plug-ins, one of which I wrote (bookmarker) and the other two which do not seem to have a home (I have asked permission to house them here).  There is also the Bicycle repair man refactoring tool plug-in for IDLE which is well worth a look.

Bookmarking - by Andy Bulka lets you hit F2 and add a bookmark.

Smart Templates - by  Joao Nuno Carvalho lets you type a few letters, hit ALT-J and template code is squirted into your idle editor.  You can then press ALT-H to jump between parts of the new template text.

Recently Used Files list - by  Eric Hardwick remembers the last n files you have opened in IDLE.

Installing all three Plug-ins.

1. Edit your c:\python22\Tools\idle\config-win.txt (or config-unix.txt if you are running unix/linux) and adde the following entries


2. Put the following files into your  c:\python22\Lib\site-packages directory.

3. Restart IDLE.

Sample config-win.txt

My config-win.txt looks like this

font-name: courier new
font-size: 14


Note - if you don't have BicycleRepairMan installed, then you should remove the BicycleRepairMan entry in the above sample config-win file, otherwise IDLE will have trouble starting!

Comments to me.